Introduction to the project
QfS is a project run by GMCC, which offers on-the-job training for our clients towards nationally recognised qualifications. QfS offers the time and experience to help tackle the chaos, confusion and setbacks that our clients may experience during the transition from prison into education.
Social Impact
Gaining qualifications benefits our clients, their families and ultimately the community. It improves employability, increases confidence and allows clients to be functioning members of society which ultimately prevents re-offending.
It is a project developed by our clients for our clients which will become a social enterprise with the potential to work across the UK.
Aims and Objectives
We are aiming to break down the barriers associated with school and college style settings and the stigma attached to the ex-offender term. The primary objective is to enable ex-offenders from as wide a range of backgrounds as possible to gain a meaningful qualification which improves their prospects of gaining work in areas which are realistic to their circumstances.
Organisation Values
Our ethos on the project is the need to understand the complex social issues that our clients face daily. It is to allow for this to be reflected in the style of learning we present. We do this by harnessing several powerful values:
- Success: by understanding that relapse occurs within the rehabilitation of our clients, we aim to accept clients back despite setbacks they have encountered.
- Trust: we place great value on being able to trust our clients to create a positive, inviting and engaging environment for all staff, volunteers and clients.
- Loyalty: being open, honest and reliable generates a sense of belonging to the project, and the work that we do within GMCC.
- Hope: feeling that there is another way to life, that there are opportunities to gain education and then employment, helps clients feel hopeful for their future.